Operating and Installation Guide

Table Of Contents
Cleaning and care
Cleaning the door seal
If the door seal is damaged or has
come out of the groove, the door will
not close properly and this will affect
cooling. As a result, condensate will
build up in the interior cabinet and
this can cause a build-up of ice.
Do not damage the door seal, and
make sure that it does not come out
of its groove.
Risk of damage as a result of in-
correct cleaning.
If you treat the door seal with oils or
grease, it can become porous.
Do not use any oils or grease on the
door seal.
The door seal should be cleaned reg-
ularly with clean water and then
wiped thoroughly dry with a cloth.
Cleaning the ventilation gaps
A build-up of dust will increase the en-
ergy consumption of the appliance.
The ventilation gaps should be
cleaned on a regular basis with a
brush or vacuum cleaner (you could
use a Miele Vacuum Cleaner dusting
brush, for example).
Starting up the appliance after
Replace all shelves and accessories
in the appliance.
Reconnect to the power supply and
switch the appliance back on.
Switch on the automatic SuperCool
function for a while so that the refrig-
erator section can cool down quickly.
Put the food back in the appliance
and close the door.