Owner's Manual

Copyright and licenses
Miele uses software to operate and control the appliance.
The copyright authorization from Miele and other relevant software suppliers must
be respected.
Miele and its suppliers reserve the rights to the software components.
In particular the following are prohibited:
Copying and distribution
Modifications and derivations
Decompression, reverse engineering, disassembling, and other such reductions
of software
Components which fall under GNU General Public Licence and further Open
Source licenses are integrated into the software.
An overview of the integrated Open Source components and a copy of the current
license can be obtained at http://www.miele.com/device-software-licenses. You
will need to enter the specific product name.
Miele will provide the source code for all components of software licensed under
the GNU General Public Licence and comparable Open Source licenses.
For source code requests, please e-mail info@miele.com.