
Frequently asked questions
Problem Possible cause and solution
Auto Heat-up is turned
on, but the food does
not start cooking.
Large amounts of food are being heated.
Start cooking at the highest power level, then re‐
duce the power level manually.
The pan is not conducting heat properly.
Use a different pan that is able to better conduct
heat on an induction cooktop.
A noise can be heard
after the appliance is
turned off.
The fan will continue running until the appliance has
cooled down. It will then switch itself off automatical‐
One or more residual
heat indicators is flash‐
There was a power failure during operation or when
residual heat was present.
You called the programming function while residual
heat was still present.
The sensor buttons are
over-sensitive or do not
react at all.
The sensitivity level of the sensor buttons has
Ensure that the cooktop is not in direct sunlight or
strong artificial light and that the area around the
cooktop is not too dark.
Make sure that there is nothing covering the sen‐
sor buttons or the cooktop.
Take any pans off the cooktop and wipe away any
food deposits.
Interrupt the power supply to the cooktop for ap‐
prox. 1 minute.
If the problem persists after power is restored,
please contact Miele Service.