Operating Instructions

Language selection
The language shown in the display can be changed
briefly before starting a program if you wish. To do so
use the button underneath the flag symbol.
1 Cottons extra dry 0%
2 Cottons dry 0%
3 Cottons damp 20%
If you press the FC button the following will appear
in the display:
Settings Back <-
Main menu Language
Supervisor level
Press the rotary dial to confirm your selection of the
"Language" menu.
Settings deutsch
Language F english (GB)
^ Turn the rotary dial to highlight the language you
want and then press the dial to confirm your selec-
The FC function button can be pressed to change
to a different language temporarily. By highlighting
the language the display will immediately change to
show the language selected. If the program is not
started, or no other buttons or controls are activated
in the next 5 minutes the language will revert back to
the default setting.
The language will revert back to the default setting 5
minutes after the end of a program with the door
Start date and time
If you want a program to start at a later time use the
m button for "Start date and time".
To set a date and time
After selecting your program, the following (example)
will appear in the display:
2 Cottons dry 13.0 kg
0 % Drying 70°C
Cooling down e
m A
Press the m "Start date and time" button.
The following (example) will appear in the display:
2 Cottons dry 13.0 kg
Start time: 16 : 10 Start date: 2.4.2003
After selection press the start button.
m A
The current time and date will then appear. The input
field for hours will be highlighted.
Press the rotary dial to change the hour.
Turn the rotary dial to alter the hour and then press
it to confirm your selection.
Then turn the rotary dial to select the "Minutes" field
and press it to confirm your selection.
Turn the dial to alter the minutes and then press it
to confirm your selection.
Then turn the rotary dial to select the "Start date"
field and press it to confirm your selection.
Turn the dial to alter the date and then press it to
confirm your selection.
Do the same for the month and the year.
After setting the required start date and time:
^ Press the Start button and the program selected
will commence at the time specified.
The display will now contain the following information:
2 Cottons dry 13.0 kg
0 % Drying
16:15 -2.4.2009 Start 6:00-3.4.2009
m A
The current time and date as well as the start time will
be displayed.
If the door is opened again you will have to press
the Start button again.
To cancel the start time and date function
Press the m "Start date and time" button again or
press A"Back", and any changes will be rejected.
Additional options