
Frequently asked questions
Problem Possible cause and solution
The food is not
sufficiently heated or is
not cooked at the end
of a set duration when
using Microwave (Solo)
Check that the program was restarted after
interrupting a cooking process using microwave
Restart the program to ensure the food is heated
or cooked properly.
When cooking for heating with microwave, the time
set was too short.
Check that the correct time is selected for the
microwave power level. The lower the microwave
power level the longer the cooking time.
The food has cooled
down too quickly after
being reheated or
cooked in microwave
Due to the microwave properties, the heat is
generated first at the edges of the food and is then
transferred to the center of the food. If the food is
heated with a high microwave power level the food
may be hot on the outside but not heated through to
the center.
When cooking foods with different sizes, such as
with menu cooking, a lower microwave power
level for a longer period of time is most suitable.
The oven lighting turns
off after a short time.
The oven is factory set to turn off automatically after
15 seconds. This setting can be changed (see
"Settings - Lighting").