Technical data

E Start the programme
button will flash as soon as a
programme can be started.
Press the
The Start button will light up.
The estimated programme duration will
appear in the display. This will count
down in one minute steps. During the
first 10 minutes the machine measures
how much water is being absorbed by
the laundry. The programme duration
may be shorter depending on this
absorbency rate.
The programme sequence is also
shown in the display to let you know
which section of the programme has
been reached.
The drum lighting switches off once the
programme has started.
Once washing is in progress, you can
press one of the short cut buttons to
select or de-select additional options,
or call up other information as follows:
can be used to
select or de-select extras.
can be used to call
up the current time of day and to see
the estimated end time of the
cancels the
current programme. The suds are
pumped away immediately.
F Unload the drum
Only remove laundry from the
machine once the drum has
stopped turning. Reaching into a
moving drum is extremely
dangerous and could result in injury.
If laundry is not removed as soon as the
programme has finished, the
anti-crease phase will begin and the
drum will turn at intervals to help
prevent creasing.
will flash alternately with
in the display to indicate that the
programme has finished.
Press the a button to open the
drum door.
Remove the laundry.
Check that all items have been
removed from the drum. Items left in
the drum could discolour other items
in the next wash or become
discoloured themselves.
Check the folds in the door seal for
any small articles, e.g. buttons, which
might be lodged there.
Close the drum door. Otherwise there
is the danger of objects being placed
inadvertently in the drum. If these
remained unnoticed and were
washed in the next load, they could
damage the laundry.
How to wash correctly