
Possible error codes:
UPA<CR> Unknown Parameter
NMA<CR> No MiFare 1k or 4k chip authenticated
WDL<CR> Initial value is not 6 bytes long
EDX<CR> In/Output block or value missing, or other character than ‘0’ to ‘9’
EHX<CR> The initial value is missing, or other characters the 0.. 9 and A .. F
KBR<CR> Key B is readable
BNW<CR> Block-Not-Writable: authenticated with key A, but not in block mode 0
BME<CR> Block Mode Error, not 0 or 3 (not writeable with value block function)
NDB<CR> the chosen Block is no Data Block, it’s a trailer
BAE<CR> Block access error, i.e. wrong key, see Block –and Access Mode
BNA<CR> Block not authenticated, Block No. is not in authenticated sector
TNR<CR> Tag not responding
5.4.2. Increment (INC) and Decrement (Dec)
As described at begin of this chapter, this function adds or decrements a value to a value
present in the inputblock. Finally the result of this operation will be saved in the
Data block has to be configured to Block Mode 0 or 3 for increment
Data block has to be configured to Block Mode 0, 3 or 4 for decrement
Outputblock and inputblock have to be in the same sector
If input/output blocks are different blocks, use the restore command, else the
increment/decrement function works only one time (the results are always the same)
metraTec MiFare Protocol Guide Page 29 of 38