
3. Reader Instructions
This list gives an overview of all the existing instructions that directly influence the reader
itself. All commands that are connected to the transponder, can be found in the next
Command Name Description
RST Reset Resets the Reader
REV Revision Returns hardware and software version
STB Standby Sends the reader into standby/sleep mode for power
WAK Wake Up Ends standby/sleep mode
RIP Read Input Pin Reads the state of an input pin
WOP Write Output Pin Writes the state of an output pin
CON CRC on Turns on CRC checking of computer / reader
COF CRC off Turns off CRC checking of computer / reader
SSK Set Static Key Saves up to 24 keys in the EEPROM of the reader
STK Set Temporary Key Save one key in the readers master key buffer
SKU Set Key to Use Sets which key should be used to authenticate a tag
Table 1:!Overview of reader manpulation instructions
3.1. Reset (RST)
The reset command resets the reader. The Reset command has no parameters. After
sending the RST command the HF power is turned off and the reader has to be initialized
Response, if successful:
Possible Error Response:
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