Product data

MFRC631 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2014. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 3.3 — 4 February 2014
227433 28 of 120
NXP Semiconductors
High performance ISO/IEC 14443 A/B reader solution
Refer to the MFRC631 BSDL file. Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL)
All of the boundary scan devices have a unique boundary structure which is necessary to
know for operating the device. Important components of this language are:
available test bus signal
compliance pins
command register
data register
boundary scan structure (number and types of the cells, their function and the
connection to the pins.)
The MFRC631 is using the cell BC_8 for the IO-Lines. The I
C Pin is using a BC_4 cell.
For all pad enable lines the cell BC1 is used.
The manufacturer's identification is 02Bh.
attribute IDCODEISTER of MFRC631: entity is "0001" and -- version
"0011110010000010b" and -- part number (3C82h)
"00000010101b" and -- manufacturer (02Bh)
"1b"; -- mandatory
The user code data is coded as followed:
product ID (3 bytes)
These four bytes are stored as the first four bytes in the EEPROM.
13 BC_1 - Control
12 BC_8 IF0 Bidir
11 BC_1 - Control
10 BC_8 IF1 Bidir
9 BC_1 - Control
7 BC_1 IF2 Output2
5 BC_1 - Control
4 BC_8 IRQ Bidir
3 BC_1 - Control
2 BC_8 SIGIN Bidir
1 BC_1 - Control
0 BC_8 SIGOUT Bidir
Table 19. Boundary scan path of the MFRC631
Number (decimal) Cell Port Function