Product data

MFRC631 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2014. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 3.3 — 4 February 2014
227433 51 of 120
NXP Semiconductors
High performance ISO/IEC 14443 A/B reader solution
8.10.3 Command functionality Idle command
Command (00h);
This command indicates that the MFRC631 is in idle mode. This command is also used to
terminate the actual command. LPCD command
Command (01h);
This command performs a low-power card detection and or an automatic trimming of the
LFO. The values of the sampled I and Q channel are stored in the register map. The value
is compared with the min/max values in the register. If it exceeds the limits, an LPCD_Irq
will be raised. After the command the standby is activated if selected. Load key command
Command (02h), Parameter1 (key byte1),..., Parameter6 (key byte6);
Loads a MIFARE Key (6 bytes) for Authentication from the FIFO into the crypto unit.
Abort condition: Less than 6 bytes written to the FIFO. MFAuthent command
Command (03h), Parameter1 (Authentication command code 60h or 61h), Parameter2
(block address), Parameter3 (card serial number byte0), Parameter4 (card serial number
byte1), Parameter5 (card serial number byte2), Parameter6 (card serial number byte3);
This command handles the MIFARE authentication in Reader/Writer mode to enable a
secure communication to any MIFARE classic card.
When the MFAuthent command is active, any FIFO access is blocked. Anyhow if there is
an access to the FIFO, the bit WrErr in the Error register is set.
This command terminates automatically when the MIFARE card is authenticated and the
bit MFCrypto1On is set to logic 1.
LoadProtocol 0Dh (Protocol umber RX), (Protocol number
reads data from the internal EEPROM and initializes the
MFRC631 registers needed for a Protocol change
LoadKeyE2 0Eh KeyNr; copies a key of the EEPROM into the key buffer
StoreKeyE2 0Fh KeyNr, byte1,byte2, byte3, byte4,
stores a MIFARE key (size of 6 bytes) into the EEPROM
ReadRNR 1Ch - Copies bytes from the Random Number generator into
the FIFO until the FiFo is full
Soft Reset 1Fh - resets the MFRC631
Table 36. Command set
Command No. Parameter (bytes) Short description