Product data

MFRC631 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2014. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 3.3 — 4 February 2014
227433 69 of 120
NXP Semiconductors
High performance ISO/IEC 14443 A/B reader solution
9.6.4 RxColl
Receiver collision register.
Table 67. RxColl register (address 0Dh);
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Symbol CollPosValid CollPos
Table 68. RxColl bits
Bit Symbol Description
7 CollPos
If set to 1, the value of CollPos is valid. Otherwise no collision is detected or
the position of the collision is out of the range of bits CollPos.
6 to 0 CollPos These bits show the bit position of the first detected collision in a received
frame (only data bits are interpreted). CollPos can only be displayed for the
first 8 bytes of a data stream.
00h indicates a bit collision in the 1st bit
01h indicates a bit collision in the 2nd bit
08h indicates a bit collision in the 9th bit (1st bit of 2nd byte)
3Fh indicates a bit collision in the 64th bit (8th bit of the 8th byte)
These bits shall only be interpreted in Passive communication mode at 106
kbit/s or ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE reader /writer mode if bit CollPosValid is
Note: If RxBitCtrl.RxAlign is set to a value different to 0, this value is included
in the CollPos.
Example: RxAlign = 4h, a collision occurs in the 4th received bit (which is the
last bit of that UID byte). The CollPos = 7h in this case.