C7e Microphone Owners Manual

Operating the C7e
Selecting the C7 Capsule Bias Voltage
The C7 has a unique feature allowing the user to choose between two different capsule bias voltages. The bias voltage
can be changed from 48 volts to 60 volts. Some listeners may find the change to be quite subtle while others may find
it quite dramatic. In general, the 48-volt selection has a more classic sound while the 60-volt selection provides a more
modern sound.
Why is this?
At 48 volts the capsule’s diaphragm is tensioned to react to extremely subtle changes in sound pressure; enabling
the microphone to exhibit a more classic sound that captures the slightest nuances in any performance. When the
bias voltage is switched to 60 volts, the C7e is extremely accurate and articulate because the capsule’s diaphragm is
under slightly more tension providing additional dynamic range and transient response which gives it a bit more of an
immediate modern sound.
To change the C7es bias voltage follow these simple steps.
1/ Remove the end bell by turning it counter clockwise.
2/ Slide off the body tube and locate the bias voltage slide switch on the upper right side of the transformer PC board.
3/ To select 48 volts, hold the microphone upright and slide the switch down to the lower position. To select 60 volts,
hold the microphone upright and slide the switch to the upper position.
4/ Slide on the body tube, then, carefully align the end bell and screw it on in a clockwise direction.
IMPORTANT NOTE!: Be careful not to cross thread the end bell. Take your time, look carefully and be sure that the end
bell is straight when you screw it back on the body.