C7e Microphone Owners Manual

The Miktek C7e, multi-pattern, large diaphragm FET condenser will impress the most critical listeners and inspire
artists to create their best performance. The microphone’s polar characteristic is selectable; offering cardioid, omni and
bidirectional pick-up patterns. In addition, the C7e employs a high-pass filter and –10dB pad for recording loud sound
sources. The frequency response is warm on the bottom and silky-sweet on the top, yet at the same time, the midrange
is natural and open. The microphone produces amazing results when recording acoustic instruments, guitar amps, or as
overheads on a drum kit. But of course, the C7e really excels on vocal applications. The C7e utilizes the new MK7 capsule
developed by Miktek engineers, featuring dual 1-inch diaphragms made using 5-micron Mylar with a 0.4-micron layer of
evaporated gold. Diaphragms are then precisely tensioned, mounted to carefully tuned backplates, and finally set back-
to-back with electronic isolation to create the finished capsule. The C7es electronic circuit design is unique and features
the AMI T7 transformer together with the implementation of high quality exotic components including hand-selected
transistors. In addition, the innovated head amplifier design features a unique circuit that allows the engineer to switch
the capsule bias voltage from +48 to +60 volts. This proprietary circuit implementation essentially provides the mic
with two voices; allowing you to choose between a classic and modern microphone. At +48 volts the capsule’s diaphragm
is under less tension, so it’s able to react to extremely subtle changes in sound pressure; enabling the microphone to
capture the slightest nuances in any performance. When the bias voltage is set to +60 volts, the C7e is extremely accurate
and articulate. The Miktek C7e is hand assembled, tested and packaged in Nashville, Tennessee, USA using components
from the US, Europe and Asia. Each microphone includes its serialized frequency response graph created during final
testing. The C7e is packaged with its swivel mount, in a wooden box, and set inside a rugged aluminum case along with
the included shockmount.