
page 9 of 40 rev 1.4.2 041409 Millennia Media HV-3R
Choosing Startup Settings – T he HV -3R is shipped
to startup with the default settings:
All functions turned off (MUTE, POL, PAD, 48V,
Startup in Local mode with LAN Remote 01 set
for remote operation (MIDI OFF).
Startup with memory location 01.
Front Panel Lock OFF
Auto Save (for LAN Remote operation Only) ON
IP Address set to
User Mode set to Basic.
Menu timeout set to 180 sec.
Gain range set to 69dB.
If the user wishes to startup the unit with different
settings these steps must be followed. S a v e y o ur
settings (see Save Settings to Memorythen:
1. Choose Setup from the main menu.
2. Choose Startup”.
3. Choose Setup.
4. Choose the desired Setup from memory
locations 1-16.
5. Press the Up arro w three times to return to the
top of the main menu.
Saving and Recalling Settings
Saving Settings to MemoryThe HV-3R can store
up to 16 different Setups in memory. All channel
parameters and gain settings, Unit ID for LAN
operation, MIDI channel for MIDI operation, and
many other settings can be saved in memory and
recalled when needed.
1. Choose Save from the main menu.
2. Three choices will be presented. Name,
Save, andDel. When saving a setup for the
first time the Name choice may be desirable.
This option lets you name the Setup before
choosing the memory location.
a. NameCreate a name for the setup by
using the Up and Down arrows to change
the character, and Left and Right arrows to
choose character position. Press ENTER
when finished and then choose the memory
location as detailed in the next step (b).
b. SaveChoose the memory location (1
through 16) to store the setup. Press enter
when the desired memory location is
displayed. There will be a prompt to
Overwrite Setup? Choose “Yes” to save or
No to abort.
c. DeleteChoose the memory location (1
through 16) to delete. Press enter when
the desired memory location is displayed.
There will be a prompt that says Are You
Sure?” Choose Yes to delete or “No” to
3. Press the Up arro w two times to return to the
top of the main menu.
Recalling Saved Settings
1. Choose Recall” from the main menu.
2. Choose the memory location (1 through 16) of
the desired setup.
3. Press the Up arro w one time to return to the top
of the main menu.