User Manual

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EK-5209-5 Evaluation Kit User’s Guide 3-15
Configuring a Node’s Operation
Configuring UART Operation
The following procedures describes how to use the i-Bean Endpoint’s digital I/O connections or
the i-Bean Router’s UART connector for serial/UART communications (see Figure 3-7). Refer to
the technical specification sheets for the i-Bean Endpoint and i-Bean Router for additional
information required when using the device for serial communications.
1. Connect to the following:
i-Bean Endpoint’s serial terminal block (pins D0–D3, GND).
i-Bean Router’s SL5 connector.
2. From iB-5209 Network Monitor, select Edit>Devices. The Edit Device window displays.
3. Enter the device ID of the desired node and click Set. The Edit Device window is now
ready to make any changes to the selected node.
4. From the Serial Interfaces panel, select Serial Data: Digital UART, then Update. The
UART terminal block is ready for UART operation (digital function is disabled).
5. (optional) To send serial data to the node, enter the data in the Serial Data panel, then
select Send Data.
The i-Bean Endpoint and i-Bean Router support the following serial communication
9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits
When making serial connections to the i-Bean node,
use an adapter to scale the RS-232 voltages to 3 volt digital logic.