User Manual

Table Of Contents
A-2 EK-5209-5 Evaluation Kit User’s Guide
iB-5209 API Overview
The iBeanAPI sub-directory contains five sub-directories which hold the API related files,
including header files, dll and library files, and various compiled examples along with their
source code listings. Figure A-1 is a representation of the directory structure.
Figure A-1. iBeanAPI directories
The contents of each directory is described below.
bin Directory:
This sub-directory contains iMDLL5k.dll file required for running API related applications.
This dll file is compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net edition therefore only supports
Microsoft Visual C++ programming conventions.
Examples Directory:
This sub-directory contains iMDLL5k.dll file along with pre-compiled API example
executables. These executables are compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net edition and
are designed to run under Windows XP and Windows 2000. The source code along with
sample Microsoft Visual Studio .Net solution file for these example applications can be
found in the iBeanAPI/Src sub-directory. Here is a brief description of the API example
ListDevicesVC7.exe: This is a console based application which lists current online
devices. For a detailed look at this example and its code, see ’Example API Code’ on
page A-27.
ReadSerialVC7.exe: This is a console based application which reads serial data
received from any online device on the network that has serial interface enabled.
SetSamplingVC7.exe: This is a console based application which changes the
sampling interval of the online devices.
To access the different API examples available in the Examples directory, select the
Start>All Programs>iB-5209>API Examples
Include Directory:
This sub-directory contains the iBeanAPI header files required to build any API based
Lib Directory:
This sub-directory contains the iMDLL5k.lib file required to compile any API based