User Manual

Table Of Contents
4-26 Millennial Net
Using the MeshScape API
3. ibApi_IO_GetADCConfig()
ibApi_FUNC ibApi_IO_GetADCConfig (
ibApi_APIHANDLE api_hdl,
ibApi_DEVICEID device_id,
ibApi_UINT8 channel_index
This queries whether the specified ADCchannel is enabled or disabled.
api_hdl: (input) API handle returned from ibApi_Open().
device_id: (input) ID of the device to be accessed.
channel_index: (input) Channel index to access.
Return Value:
An ibApi_TRUE if enabled, ibApi_FALSE if disabled, or an error code (<0) if not.
4. ibApi_IO_ReadADC()
ibApi_FUNC ibApi_IO_ReadADC (
ibApi_APIHANDLE api_hdl,
ibApi_DEVICEID device_id,
ibApi_UINT8 channel_index,
ibApi_FLOAT * adc_value
This retrieves the value of the specified ADC channel, measured in volts. Note that this is
computed by normalizing the raw reading relative to the battery voltage, and this calculation
influences the precision of the result.
api_hdl: (input) API handle returned from ibApi_Open().
device_id: (input) ID of the device to be accessed.
channel_index: (input) Channel index to access.
adc_value: (output) Result of the ADC reading in raw data, not voltage. Application can use
ibApi_Utils_ConvertBatteryReadingToVoltage() to convert to voltage.
Return Value:
An ibApi_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL if successful, or an error code (<0) if not.