User Manual

Table Of Contents
4-32 Millennial Net
Using the MeshScape API
1. ibApi_Utils_GetErrorDescription()
ibApi_FUNC ibApi_Utils_GetErrorDescription(
ibApi_RESULT error_code,
ibApi_CHAR * description,
ibApi_UINT32 description_size
This function returns an English language interpretation for an API error code.
error_code: (input) ibApi_RESULT to be interpreted.
description: (output) Pointer to buffer storing the text.
description_size: (input) Maximum size of buffer.
Return Value:
Error code, or the actual size of the result including the terminating NULL (which could
exceed description_size if the written data was truncated).
2. ibApi_Utils_ConvertGroupIDToText()
ibApi_FUNC ibApi_Utils_ConvertGroupIDToText(
ibApi_CONST ibApi_GROUPIDgroup_id,
ibApi_CHAR * group_id_text,
ibApi_UINT32 group_id_text_size,
ibApi_UINT32 min_words
This renders a group ID as a text string, such as “”. If the “min_words” parameter is
less than 4, leading zeros will be omitted for brevity. For example, if min_words is 3, then
“” would be rendered as “2.3.4”.
group_id: (input) Group ID to convert.
group_id_text: (output) Pointer to buffer storing the text.
group_id_text_size: (input) Maximum size of buffer.
min_words: (input) Minimum number of digit groups.
Return Value:
Error code, or the actual size of the result including the terminating NULL (which could
exceed group_id_text_size if the written data was truncated).