User Manual

Table Of Contents
RK-5409-5 Reference Kit User’s Guide 3-3
MeshScape Network Monitor Overview
As shown in Figure 3-12, the main window is divided into the following sections:
Menu Bar
From the menu bar, system users access the following:
This menu option provides access to the following functions:
Exit: Ends the session and closes MeshScape Network Monitor.
Labels: Assign user-defined names to end nodes and mesh nodes on the network.
For details, see
’Labeling an End Node or Mesh Node’ on page 3-19.
Persistence: Stop monitoring/displaying offline end nodes and mesh nodes. For
details, see
’Configuring Persistence Attributes’ on page 3-20
Data Format: Configure the following I/O data formats:
Serial Data Format: Define format of displayed serial data (ASCII/Hex/Decimal)
ADC Data Format: Define format of displayed ADC data (Voltage/Raw Data)
For details, see ’Configuring Serial and ADC Data Formats’ on page 3-22.
Connection: Select serial port on Host PC to use for MeshGate connection. For
details, see
’Selecting a Com Port on the Host PC’ on page 3-21.
All Sampling Intervals: Configure all network nodes with the same sampling
interval time. For details, see
’Configuring Sample Interval of all Network Nodes’ on
page 3-8.
Events: Turn event tracking on or off. Tracked events are included in the Event log
file. For details, see
’Turning Event Tracking On/Off’ on page 3-23.
Broadcast: Broadcast data to all nodes on your MeshScape system including the
time to which all nodes will synchronize their clocks and Ultra Low Power (ULP)
settings defining wakeup interval and duty cycle for all nodes. For details, see
’Broadcasting Data to All Nodes.’ on page 3-24.
Attributes: Create a log file of reported network events, such as reported up/down
events and changes to voltages or routes. For details, see
’Creating an Event Log File’
on page 3-26.
View: Display contents of log file. For details, see ’Viewing the Contents of an Event
Log File’ on page 3-27.
–Watch: Display the current status information relating to a node’s interfaces. For
details, see
’Using Watch Function to Display Configuration Information’ on page
Statistics: Open Monitor Statistics window, displaying RX/TX packet and byte
About: Displays MeshScape Network Monitor revision level information.