User Manual

Table Of Contents
3-10 Millennial Net
Running MeshScape Network Monitor
Digital Output Setup
1. Connect the digital signal destination devices to the connectors (D0–D3) and ground
(GND) of the following:
end node’s terminal block (P2 located on terminal board).
mesh node’s terminal pins (connector SL3).
See Figure 3-16 on page 3-11 for connector locations.
2. From MeshScape Network Monitor, double-click on the desired device from the list of
discovered sensor nodes. The Device window is opened, displaying the device’s current
3. From the Digital I/O panel, select Output on each of the desired digital channels to use
as outputs (DIO 0—DIO 3).
4. Set the output signal high or low using the 1/0 box located next to the desired Output
Selected = 1 (output is set high)
Not selected = 0 (output is set low)
5. Select Update.
MeshScape Network Monitor displays the digital information for the node in the Digital
I/O Data column, where On = output channel and In = input channel (n = 1 or 0).
Input signals should not be applied when the end node is switched off. Since the
node is an extremely low power device, its possible that the input signal voltages
will keep the microcontroller active, preventing it from resetting properly when
switched back on. Also, when switched off, the terminal board will ground certain
pins, which can cause excessive current drain for the external peripheral connected
to it.