User Manual

Table Of Contents
RK-5409-5 Reference Kit User’s Guide 4-13
1. ibApi_Open
ibApi_FUNC ibApi_Open(
ibApi_VERSION expected_version,
ibApi_CONST ibApi_CHAR *server_type,
ibApi_CONST ibApi_CHAR * connection_str
ibApi_Open() should be called to initialize the API before any other function is called. If the
MeshScape Network Monitor software has not yet been started, this function starts the
software and then connects to it. If MeshScape Network Monitor is already running, this
function connects to it.
The “server_type” parameter specifies the MeshScape Network Monitor executable file
path. The “connection_str” parameter contains starting MeshScape Network Monitor
expected_version: (input) Should always be ibApi_EXPECTED_VERSION.
server_type: (input) “[monitor path name]” path such as “..\\sagMon.exe”.
connection_str: (input) "[baud rate]"
baud rate: “-B115200”
Return Value:
An ibApi_APIHANDLE value if successful, error code (<0) if not.
2. ibApi_Close
ibApi_FUNC ibApi_Close(
ibApi_APIHANDLE api_hdl
This disconnects from the server and releases the API resources. This should be called before
your application exits to avoid resource leaks.
api_hdl: (input) API handle returned from ibApi_Open()
Return Value:
An ibApi_RESULT_SUCCESS if successful, error code (<0) if not.