Service Parts List

The electronics assembly (4) and motor/pulley/shaft assembly (42) are separate
service assemblies. If either needs replacing, the red and blue pcba leads must be
unsoldered from the motor terminals. When reconnecting the two assemblies, the
red wire must be connected to the motor terminal marked with a red dot. Care must
be taken to properly hook stripped area of the wire through the terminal hole. Apply
enough solder to cover hooked wire strands on terminals.
1. Carefully reinstall the electronics assembly (4), being sure to place pcba and
battery connector block with spring (6) rmly and squarely in corresponding cavi-
ties of left housing halve(13). Trap post of speed dial (4a) with holding plate (2)
and two screws (1).
2. Place drive belt (18) onto drive pulley of
motor/pulley/shaft assembly (42). Work
belt onto smaller pulley. Install motor/
pulley/shaft assembly squarely and
rmly in corresponding cavities of left
housing halve(13).
3. Install fan (20) onto shaft.
4. Align raised guides on top of brake
(24) with slots of left housing halve.
Gently work guides into slots.
5. Install bearing assembly (41) onto
shaft. Secure with washer head
screw (23).
6. Position disc assembly (25)
over brake (24), aligning the
four holes in disc assembly
with the four holes in the
bearing assembly (41).
Secure with 4 screws (26).
7. Place switch holder (5) into
left housing halve. Place
switch of electronics ass-
embly into switch holder.
8. Install switch lever (3) into
left housing being sure that
notch on bottom of lever
captures the switch post.
9. Be sure all components are
seated squarely and that all
wires are properly routed and
10. Carefully place right housing
halve (10) over left housing
halve and into the raised
guides of brake. Be sure
there are no interferences
prior to securing with 5
housing screws (28).
11. Prior to installing battery,
check for the proper funct-
ionality of switch lever (3).
12. Install battery and check for
proper operation of tool.