Replacement Part List

Cutting Corner
Side Plate
Depth Gauge
Rivet Hole
Top Plate
Be careful to le all cutters to the specied angles and
to the same length, as fast cutting can be obtained only
when all cutters are uniform.
Wear gloves for protection. Properly tension the chain
prior to sharpening. Refer to Chain Tension section
earlier in this manual. Do all of your ling at the mid-
point of the bar.
Left Hand Cutters
Right Hand Cutters
Use a 11/64" (4.4 mm) diameter round le and holder.
Keep the le level with the top plate of the tooth. Do
not let the le dip or rock.
Using light but rm pressure, stroke towards the front
corner of the tooth.
Lift le away from the steel on each return stroke.
Put a few rm strokes on every tooth. File all left hand
cutters in one direction. Then move to the other side
and le the right hand cutters in the opposite direc-
tion. Occasionally remove lings from the le with a
wire brush.
Top Plate Filing Angle
Top Plate Filing Angle
than 30°
than 30°
Top Plate Filing Angle
CORRECT 30° - File holders are marked with guide
marks to align le properly to produce correct top
plate angle.
LESS THAN 30° - For Cross Cutting.
MORE THAN 30° - Feathered Edge Dulls Quickly.
Side Plate Angle
Side Plate
Filing Angle
Side Plate Filing Angle
CORRECT - 80° Produced automatically if correct
diameter le is used in le holder.
HOOK - “Grabs” and dulls quickly. Increases po-
tential of KICKBACK. Results from using a le with
diameter too small, or le held too low.
BACKWARD SLOPE - Needs too much feed pres-
sure, causes excessive wear to bar and chain.
Results from using a le with diameter too large, or
le held too high.
Depth Gauge Clearance
The depth gauge should be maintained at a clear-
ance of .025". Use a depth gauge tool for checking
the depth gauge clearances.
Every time the chain is led, check the depth gauge
Flat File
Depth Gauge Jointer
Use a at le and a depth gauge jointer to lower all
gauges uniformly. Depth gauge jointers are available
in 0.02" to .035" Use a .025" depth gauge jointer.
After lowering each depth gauge, restore original
shape by rounding the front. Be careful not to damage
adjoining drive links with the
edge of the le.
Depth gauges must be ad-
justed with the at le in the
same direction the adjoin-
ing cutter was led with the
round le. Use care not to
contact cutter face with at
file when adjusting depth
Guide Bar Maintenance
When the guide bar shows signs of wear, ip the guide
bar from bottom to top on the saw to distribute the wear
for maximum bar life. The bar should be cleaned every
day of use and checked for wear and damage.
Feathering or burring of the bar rails is a normal process
of bar wear. Such faults should be smoothed with a le
as soon as they occur.
shape by
the front