Product Manual

Product Manual for Tornado Radio Unit
Once the RF setup has been completed the radio units can be powered up, networking on associated devices
configured and the units logged into. Refer to the label located on the underside of the radio unit to identify the
configured IP address and subnet mask. The image below shows an example IP diagram of the network in Router
mode. The following one shows an example of same network in Bridged mode. We generally recommend setting
up MDL in Bridged mode because the network settings are simpler however it depends on your IP planning for the
multipoint network.
First, we connect to each radio unit locally. To do this, configure the IP address, subnet mask and gateway of the
connected device or laptop. It is crucial that the laptops/devices are on the same subnet as the Tornado’s and also
that their gateway is set to the Tornado’s IP address. This means you will need to reconfigure the IP information if
moving the laptop between radio units.
Example IP diagram using 192.168.x.x subnets (Routed mode)
Example IP diagram using a single subnet (Bridged mode)
Next confirm network connectivity by pinging each radio unit from the connected laptop. If this is not successful,
use ipconfig to check your networking settings. Once we have network connectivity with the local radio unit, type
the appropriate IP address into your web browser to access the unit.