User Manual

Table Of Contents
Bedside Tab Views
7 - 4 0070-10-0690-01 Panorama™ Operating Instructions
Digital Data Area
The All Waveforms view contains a digital data area that may display the following
patient parameters:
•Temperature 1
Temperature 2
Temp Blood
NOTE: The Delta T parameter will not display in the digital data
NOTE: The CO/CI, Temp 2, and T Blood parameters are only
available if they are being monitored by the
Spectrum/Spectrum OR External Parameter Module (EPM).
These parameters are not available if they are monitored by
an Edwards Vigilance
Data Display Area
When in the All Waveforms view, the data display area of the Bedside tab displays the
configured patient parameters in a waveform and digital data tile format. The waveform
area of the Bedside tab displays in the left portion of the data display area and the digital
representation of the waveform displays to the right. In this view, three to six
waveforms/digital tiles can be displayed at one time. Parameters experiencing an alarm
condition will display a different background color indicating the severity of the alarm. If ST
is enabled on the ECG waveform, the digital data section of the Bedside tab includes an ST
lead label that specifies the lead from which the displayed data is acquired.
The first digital tile always displays one ECG lead along with the patient heart rate (HR). The
ECG waveform displayed is the same that is shown in the waveform area of the patient tile.
If the selected device is a Telepack with Nonin SpO
module and the All Waveforms view
is displayed, the SpO
waveform will always be positioned after the patient heart rate.
When the selected device is a bedside monitor, the other waveforms/digital tiles represent
the available waveforms for the selected patient tile. The waveforms/digital tiles that appear
in the Bedside tab are based on the parameters configured at the patient monitoring
The order in which the subsequent waveforms display is determined by the order defined in
the Unit Priorities tab. The color associated with the waveforms/digital tiles is determined
by the configured parameter color defined in the System Setup tab. A unit of measure
label and an alarm status bell icon for each parameter also displays in the digital portion of
the display area. The color of the waveform/digital tiles is determined by the configured
parameter color.