User Manual

Table Of Contents
Events Tab Views
7 - 38 0070-10-0690-01 Panorama™ Operating Instructions
Comments (Optional)
This sidebar button was previously described in the ‘‘Comments Dialog Box (Optional)’’ on
page 7-37. If the Paging feature is unavailable at the central station, the Comments
sidebar button will not be displayed.
Normal Screen
Select the Normal Screen sidebar button to return the display to the full screen mode, and
close all tabs, message boxes, and dialog boxes. Printing an Event Zoom In Report from the Waveforms View
To print a Event Zoom In Report from the Waveforms view, select the Print button from the
menu bar (shown in FIGURE 2-1). Troubleshooting
This section lists some of the potential messages and issues that may occur while using the
Waveforms view of the Events tab.
Sidebar buttons disabled
when Events tab
Patient tile not selected. Select a patient tile.
There is no patient admitted to
the selected tile.
Admit a patient to the tile.
No patient in the tile There is no patient admitted to
the selected tile.
Admit a patient to the tile.
Patient tile not selected. Select a patient tile.
No Waveform data is
collected for this
The selected event is not a
physiological alarm event.
Refer to the Alarms and Events
The correct alarmed event
is selected from the List
view but no waveform is
displayed in View
Waveforms view.
A 3-lead wire set is being
used and the active lead was
changed from when the event
originally occurred.
Return to the lead that was active
when the event occurred, then try to
view the waveform again.
Events were deleted
from the database.
Press the OK button
to refresh the list.
When viewing a patient tile’s
Event Zoom In tab at the
ViewStation or WorkStation,
pressing the Next Event
and/or Previous Event button
to an event that has been
deleted from the database,
will display the message
“Events were deleted from the
database. Press the OK button
to refresh the list.” at the
ViewStation or WorkStation.
Select the OK button to close the
message box.
Next Event button is
The last event is selected in
the list, therefore, there are no
events to view next.
Select an earlier event.
Previous Event button is
The first event is selected in
the list, therefore, there are no
previous events to view.
Select a later event.
* Messages are shown in all bold text.