User Manual

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Panorama™ Operating Instructions 0070-10-0690-01 8 - 19
Report Functions Patient Reports Tab Header
The Trend List Report’s first page header provides the title of the report and basic
demographic information, if it is available. The demographic information includes the
patient’s first and last name, identification number, bed number, weight, height and doctor.
Page headers on subsequent pages of the report provide the report title, the date and time
the data was collected, and limited demographic information about the patient (first and last
name, identification number and bed number), if it is available.
If the demographic data was not previously entered in the system, only the demographic
label is shown. Trend Records
The Trend List Report’s digital data section includes the digital data that occurred for the
selected patient, based on the time interval selected in the Trend Display dialog box. The
data printed in the report is determined by the device connected to the selected patient tile
and the sensors in use.
The report displays digital data records for each minute of the selected time period. Digital
data records are separated by a solid horizontal line. If data is not available for the selected
time period, the report will not print. Each digital record in the report contains the following:
The time format follows the system format specified in the Date/Time tab.
Digital data values for the parameters specific to the device connected to the patient tile
and the sensors used during the specified time period.
A heart rate (HR) value. The source of the heart rate data is shown in parentheses next to
the HR label. If data is not available for the specified time period, dashes are shown in
the place of a heart rate value.
Digital Data records in the report use brackets ( [ ] ) to distinguish data in the alarm
condition. Footer
The Trend List Report contains a footer at the bottom of every page. The footer includes:
The date and time of the print request. The format displayed is taken from the System
Date/Time tab.
A centered page number.
The name of the Panorama Central Station where the report was generated. Printing a Trend List Report
The Trend List Report is printed in portrait orientation.
To print one hour of trend data:
From the Patient Reports tab, select the Trend List Report button. The Print Selection
dialog is displayed (shown in FIGURE 8-9).
Select the Print 1 Hour button. The report is sent to the printer.