User Manual

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Patient Reports Tab Report Functions
8 - 26 0070-10-0690-01 Panorama™ Operating Instructions
FIGURE 8-18 Patient Alarm Report - Paging Option Enabled Header
The Patient Alarm Report’s page header provides the title of the report and basic
demographic information, if it is available. The demographic information includes the
patient’s first and last name, identification number, bed number, weight, height and doctor.
If the demographic data was not previously entered in the system, only the demographic
label is shown. Patient Alarm Data
The Patient Alarm Report’s data section includes alarm information for all of the alarms. The
parameters in a Patient Alarm Report are dependent on the device connected to the selected
patient tile. The columns are described as follows:
Parameter displays the parameters for which the specified patient has an alarm.
Units displays the unit of measure in use for the parameter specified.
High Limit displays the High alarm limit for the parameter specified.
Low Limit displays the Low alarm limit for the parameter specified.
Priority displays the alarm priority assigned to the parameter specified.