User Manual

Table Of Contents
Panorama™ Operating Instructions 0070-10-0690-01 Index - 7
Patient Alarm Report, 8-25
Patient Alarm Setup tab
Optional, 6-2
sidebar buttons, 6-3
Patient Alarm Setup Tab
(Optional), 6-2
Patient Alarms, 2-23
Patient from Standby Mode,
Removing a, See also
Removing a, 5-50
Patient Reports Tab, 8-2
Patient Setup functions
Demographics tab, 5-2
Discharge tab, 5-36
Display tab, 5-40
Print Setup tab, 5-55
Standby tab, 5-49
Wave Gain tab, 5-52
Patient Size field
entering, 5-10
Patient Status Line, 2-10
Patient tile
REC button, 2-9
Patient Tile Assignment in the
Network tab, Removing a,
See also Removing a, 14-4
Patient Tile Assignment, Removing
a, See also Removing a, 15-6
Patient Tiles, 2-7
Patient Tiles, defined, 2-7
Pause Alarm, 4-16
PAWP, 12-10
performance specifications,
Performing ECG Waveform
Measurements, 7-5, 7-10
Physical Characteristics, 16-14,
Alarm Event Messages, 13-7
Alarm Responses, 3-4
Physiological Alarm Event
Messages, 13-7
Physiological Alarm Responses,
Physiological Alarms, 3-2
Physiological Alarms and Events,
Arrhythmias, 13-9
Placement Procedures, Lead, See
also Lead, 4-2
Placing a Patient in Standby
Mode, 5-49
Power Supply, 16-8, 16-17
power supply, Panorama Central
Station and Panorama
Telemetry Server, See also
Panorama Central Station
and Panorama Telemetry
Server, 16-8
Power Up Sequence
Telepack, 10-9
Premature Ventricular Contraction
(PVC), 12-8
Previous Event button, 7-14, 7-35,
7-42, 7-47
Previous sidebar button, 9-58
Previous Tab, 9-40
Previous tab, 9-40
Print on Alarm, 3-5
Print Setup Tab (Patient), 5-55
Print Setup tab (Patient), 5-55
sidebar buttons, 5-56
Print Setup Tab (System), 9-45
Print Setup tab (System), 9-45
Print Status Tab, 8-38
Print Status tab, 8-38
Print Status Tab List Box, 8-38
Print Status tab List box, 8-38
Printing a 12-lead Report, 8-52
Printing a Full Disclosure Report
(ECG and Non-ECG Layout),
Printing a Full Disclosure Report
from the Compressed View,
Printing a Full Disclosure Zoom In
Report, 8-46
Printing a Full Disclosure Zoom In
Report from the Waveforms
View, 7-50
Printing a Graphic Trend Report,
Printing a Paging Report, 8-37
Printing a Patient Alarm Report,
Printing a System Alarm Report,
Printing a Telepack Error Log
Report, 8-54
Printing a Trend List Report, 8-19
Printing a Trend List Report from
the List View, 7-16
Printing an All Strips (All Patients)
Report, 8-33
Printing an Event List Report, 8-23
Printing an Event Zoom In Report,
Printing an Event Zoom In Report
from the Waveforms View,
Printing an Events List Report from
the List View, 7-31
Printing an ST Report, 8-16
Printing the
12-lead Report, 8-52
All Strips (All Patients) Report,
All Strips Report, 8-6
Equipment Report, 8-35
List Report, 8-23
Event Zoom In Report, 8-43
Events List Report from the List
View, 7-31
Full Disclosure Report, 8-12
Full Disclosure Report (ECG
and Non-ECG
Layout), 8-12
Full Disclosure Report from
the Zoomed Out
View, 7-44
Full Disclosure Zoom In
Report, 8-46
Graphic Trend Report, 8-50
Patient Alarm Report, 8-27
ST Report, 8-16
System Alarm Report, 8-57
Telepack Error Log Report,
8-54, 9-69
Trend Graphic Report, 8-50
Trend List Report, 8-19
Trend List Report from the List
View, 7-16
Printing the Equipment Report,
1 Alarms, 3-5
2 Alarms, 3-5
3 Alarms, 3-5
Off, 3-5
Program, 9-69
Program sidebar button, 9-69
Programming the Telepack, 10-8
Progress Bar, 2-16
Protocol Selection, 9-68
Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure
(PAWP), 12-10
Pulse Rate, 16-6
PVC, 12-8
PVC/minute Alarm, 4-17
Quick Reference Guide, 2-20
Auto-Admitting a Patient,
Discharge, 2-21
Display, 2-22
Viewing Disclosure data,