User Manual

Table Of Contents
Panorama™ Operating Instructions 0070-10-0690-01 Index - 9
System Alarms Options
(ViewStation), 9-17
System Alarms Responses,
System Alarms Volume Level,
System Default Print Setup,
Time in the Date/Time tab,
Unit Choices, 9-51
Unit Choices (Central
Station), 9-51
Unit Choices (ViewStation),
Volume Levels, 9-12
Setting the System Alarm Limits,
Setting the System Alarm Options
(ViewStation and
WorkStation), 9-17
Setting the System Alarms Options
(Central Station), 9-15
Setting the System Alarms
Responses, 9-27
Setting the System Default Print
Setup, 9-46
Setting the Unit Choices (Central
Station), 9-51
Setting the Unit Choices
(ViewStation and
WorkStation), 9-55
Settings (Telepack), 5-15, 9-56
Sev INSP/ET ranges, 12-7
Sidebar Button, 5-38
Sidebar Button - Normal Screen,
5-38, 5-50, 9-2, 9-6, 9-8,
9-10, 9-13, 9-31, 9-44,
9-60, 9-72
Sidebar Buttons, 2-14, 5-19,
5-28, 5-48, 5-54, 5-56, 6-3,
6-7, 6-15, 7-6, 7-10, 7-16,
7-21, 7-31, 7-37, 7-44,
7-49, 7-58, 8-39, 9-21,
9-24, 9-27, 9-36, 9-48,
9-58, 9-68, 15-3
sidebar buttons
defined, 2-14
Alarm Limit Editing, 6-7
Patient Demographic tab
Editing, 5-17
ST Configuration Editing,
Simultaneous Alarm Limit Editing,
Simultaneous Patient
Demographic Tab Editing,
Simultaneous ST Configuration
Editing, 7-58
Skin Preparation, 4-2
Skip To sidebar button, 7-44
Software Version field, 9-65, 9-67
Network tab List box, 14-2
Sorting the Contents of the
Network Tab List Box, 14-2
Source Panorama, 5-24
Heart Rate, 12-2
IBP, 12-5
NIBP, 12-3
PVC, 12-8
Respiration, 12-2
Telepack, 16-20
Spectrum OR™ Bedside Monitor,
Spectrum™ Bedside Monitor, 1-9,
Splitter, 16-18
SPO2, 12-4
SpO2, 12-4, 16-6
ST, 12-9
Alarm Delay, 3-4
button, 7-36, 7-48
Data, 8-15
Report, 8-14
Segment Analysis, 4-12,
Status field, 7-55
ST Button, 7-36, 7-48
ST Data, 8-15
ST Report, 8-14
ST Segment Analysis, 4-12, 16-4
ST Tab, 7-54
ST tab, 7-54
Current ST, 7-56
Current Templates, 8-16
Done sidebar button, 7-58
ST Template Area (Device
Dependent), 7-56
ST Template Areas, 7-56
Standby, 2-20
Quick Reference Guide, 2-20
Standby Tab, 5-49
Standby tab, 5-49
placing a patient in, 5-49
Sterilization of the Lead Sets, 11-5
Storage Altitude, 16-9, 16-19
Storage Humidity, 16-9, 16-19
Storage Temperature, 16-9,
Storing the Telepack, 11-3
Straight Line (Waveforms), 12-12
Setup sidebar button, 9-58
Subnet Mask IP Address, 9-64
Subnet Mask IP Address
(Telepack-2.4 Only), 9-64
Supported Devices, 1-4
All Alarms (Optional), 6-8,
Non-Lethal, 6-8, 6-15
System Alarm
Information, 8-56
Limits, 9-28
Options, 9-24
Report, 8-55
System Alarm Information, 8-56
System Alarm Limits sidebar
button, 9-28
System Alarm Options sidebar
button, 9-27
System Alarm Report, 8-55
System Alarm Responses, 9-24
System Alarm Responses sidebar
buttons, 9-24
System Alarms, 3-6
System Alarms (Alarm Limits) Tab,
System Alarms (Alarm Limits) tab,
System Alarms (Alarm Responses)
Tab, 9-26
System Alarms (Alarm Responses)
tab, 9-26
System Alarms (Options) Tab,
System Alarms (Options) tab, 9-14
System Alarms Tab, 9-14
System Alarms tab, 9-14
sidebar buttons, 9-21, 9-24,
System Alarms, defined, 3-6
System Date/Time, defined, 2-14
System Date/Time, location, 2-14
System Event Filtering, 9-18
System Events, 13-16
System Reports Tab, 8-29
System Reports tab, 8-29
System Status Line, defined, 2-11
System Status Line, location, 2-11
T Blood Values, 12-9
T1 and T2, 12-8
Tabs, 2-14
Tabs, defined, 2-14