User's Manual

Introduction Patient Management
5 - 2 TM80/TM70 Telemetry Monitor Operator’s Manual
5.1 Introduction
The chapter describes how to admit a patient, change the patient category, enter and
exit the Standby mode, and discharge the patient.
5.2 Admitting a Patient
After discharging the current patient, you can admit a new patient by pressing the
button. For how to discharge a patient, refer to "Discharging the Patient" on page
5 - 4. After admitting a patient, please check the patient category and make changes
5.3 Changing Patient Information
You can change patient category, paced status, department name, room number, and
bed number.
5.3.1 Changing the Patient Category
1. In the main menu, tap [Patient Info].
2. In the [Patient Info] menu, tap [Patient Category] to select the desired patient
The screen displays the Are you sure you want to change the patient category?”
3. Select [Ye s ] to confirm the changing.
The selected patient category displays to the right of [Patient Category].
4. Tap to save the settings and exit the [Patient Info] menu.
Match the patient category selection to the actual patient before moni-
toring begins.
When the device is connected to the CMS, the patient category at the
CMS is updated if the patient category is changed at the TM80/TM70,
and vice versa. Refer to the BeneVision Central Monitoring System Opera-
tor’s Manual (P/N 046-007960-00) for details.