Instruction manual

If I am manually setting the GB on my X-TERRAs, I will properly Ground Balance the detector and
then lower the ground phase number by a few clicks of the - pad. Now, with the Oset Tracking
functionality of the 705, if I want to maintain Tracking and keep it a bit positive, I can insert a -3
(or whatever level I determine I want) into the mix. That allows me to track and maintain a Ground
Balance that is 3 points on the positive side of what the 705 has determined to be neutral. In my
mind, I’m simply “fooling the detector into thinking the ground is more mineralized than it actually
I’m convinced that, in my moderately mineralized soil, running a slight positive Ground Balance
allows me to hear a sharper audio response on deeply buried targets. Don’t be surprised if you notice
an increase in the Threshold volume as you lower the coil, when hunting with the GB a bit positive.
And be aware that running too much of a positive Oset in trashy areas can create false signals, loss
of depth and instability of operation.
My best advice, when attempting to utilize Tracking Ground Balance Oset is to try dierent
combinations for the type of hunting you do. Spend time in your test garden, tweaking the various
settings. Knowing what settings are appropriate for your sites and style of hunting will dramatically
increase the eectiveness of your X-TERRA.
Understanding your X-TERRA - Ground Balance