Instruction manual

Coil Applications
9-Inch 7.5 kHz Concentric Coil
The stock 9-inch 7.5 kHz Concentric coil is an excellent all-around” coil.
It is good for coin shooting, relic hunting and general detecting. It oers
excellent depth in moderately mineralized soils. And, it provides excellent
target response on targets of all conductive levels. So, if you’ve only got
the 9-inch Concentric at 7.5 kHz, don’t feel you have to run out and buy
more coils. However, I believe the 9-inch Concentric coil at 3 kHz provides
more audio information for the types of targets I hunt, and the places I
hunt them.
I may not be a typical coin shooter in that I like to hunt in All Metal, with
multiple tones. Actually, I usually hunt in a Discrimination Pattern without
any notch segments rejected, as in zero-discrimination. I didn’t always
hunt like this. But I have proven to myself that I was missing targets
by not hearing everything that passed under the coil. For example, if
I am running a Discrimination Pattern that rejects ferrous targets, the
detector will blank out every time the coil passes over one of them. Then
if there happens to be a coin laying between two nails, I am more likely
to miss it (target masking) when the Threshold blanks out on both nails,
as opposed to the Threshold being replaced by the low tone of a nail,
followed by the high tone of the coin, followed by another low tone nail.
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Understanding your X-TERRA - Coils