User Instructions

Page 3
2. How to Change Parameters
2.1 For example, let’s change the MiniBeacon_99999’s Major value from 0 to 66, see image 5;
2.2 Click Major to change the value from 0 to 66 and click save, see image 6 andimage7;
2.3 Click Reboot iBeacon to take effect the new value immediately, see image 8;
2.4 Imput password minew123 and click OK, see image 9 and image 10;
2.5 Click the icon to refresh Devices list, the new value Major 66 has been shown, see image11;
image5 image 6 image 7 image 8
image9 image 10 image11
Tips: Please change other parameters like the steps 2.1 to 2.5.