User Manual

2-22 Getting Started
New Subject
Once a databaseexistsitcanbepopulatedwithsubjectsandsubjectcollected
data.Toaddoreditasubject,firstopenthedatabase.Select File > Database >
Open, as described on the previous page.
1. Click File > New Subject.
2. Fill in the three required fields: Identity, Date of Birth and Gender
Notice that Age is automatically computed.
Important! Because you can import subjects from other databases,
Actiware allows more than one subject with the same ID. Therefore, you
need to be sure you choose a subject ID that does not already exist in the
currently open database.
3. If you desire, fill in the remaining fields.
For HIPAA considerations, these fields are optional.
When USA or Canada is entered into the Country field, a dropdown list for the
State/Province area will become available. Additionally, the Phone field will be
state code or phone number, enter the Country first.