User Manual

3-8 Communications
Retrieve Data from Actiwatch
1. Communications > Retrieve Data from Actiwatch.
StarttheRetrieveDatafromActiwatchWizard.ClickNext to continue.
2. Remove the wrist/foot bands from the Actiwatch (optional).
The bands may interfere with proper Actiwatch placement.
3. Place the Actiwatch on the reader.
The green dot on the metal side of the Actiwatch must align with the green dot
on the ActiReader. Verify that the metal side is facing up, the green dots are
4. Click Next to continue.
Actiware will communicate with the Actiwatch device and retrieve the data. If
you receive a Duplicate data, retrieve anyway message, you have the option to
abort the retrieve process by selecting the No button, or create a duplicate record
by selecting the Yes button and continue retrieving the data.
Data from
Duplicate data window