User Manual

the Actogram. Pull down or type directly into this control to set the activity
IlluminanceScale:adjuststhemaximumilluminance value displayed on the
Actogram. Pull down or type directly into this control to set the scale.
Light/Dark Bar: use these controls to show or hide the bar at the top of the
Actogram, to set the light on/light off time, or to set the light to all on (24
hours of light) or all off (24 hours of dark).
Interval Legend: provides a convenient reminder of the color scheme used
for displayed intervals. Click the keyboard controls link to display quick
reminders on how to set intervals. See Setting Intervals later in this section.
To save your current Actogram View settings as default settings, click View >
Save Current Actogram View as My Default View. Or, to restore your default
view settings, click View > Restore My Default Actogram View.
Database Viewer
The Database Viewer is used to provide a hierarchical tree view of the data
in your currently selected database. Below is an example view from the
Demonstration Database that is provided with Actiware.
Database Viewer