User's Manual

Total Illuminance Exposure
(The sum of all valid illuminance data, in Lux, from an Actiwatch-L [see Total
Invalid Time (Illuminance), below] for all epochs from the Start Time to the End
Time of the given interval) multiplied by the Epoch Length in minutes (so the
Total Illuminance Exposure is in Lux-minutes).
Average Illuminance
The average of all valid illuminance data for all epochs from the Start Time to the
End Time of the given interval.
Standard Deviation of Illuminance
The standard deviation of all valid illuminance data for all epochs from the Start
Time to the End Time of the given interval. (The standard deviation is computed
with (n – 1) rather than (n) in the denominator of the variance.)
Maximum Illuminance
The datum of highest value (greatest average intensity of illumination during
an epoch) from the set of all valid illuminance data for all epochs from the Start
Time to the End Time of the given interval, i.e. the peak value in the data set
– the highest intensity of illumination the Actiwatch-L was exposed to during the
Time Above Illuminance Threshold
a) (The total number of epochs between the Start Time and the End Time of the
given interval with valid illuminance data greater than the given Illuminance
Threshold) multiplied by the Epoch Length in minutes (so the Time Above
Illuminance Threshold is in minutes). b) The total accumulation of time,
in minutes, during which the Actiwatch-L was exposed to an intensity of
illumination above the given Illuminance Threshold.
Total Invalid Time (Illuminance)
The total number of epochs between the Start Time and the End Time of the
given interval in which the illuminance datum was found to exceed the maximum
possible value from a properly functioning Actiwatch-L [i.e., invalid data due
to rare hardware fault, communication error, or data corruption] plus the total
number of epochs with valid illuminance data manually excluded from the data
set by the practitioner using Actiware software) multiplied by the Epoch Length
in minutes (so the Total Invalid Time is in minutes).
Percent Invalid (Illuminance)
a) The percentage of Total Invalid Time (Illuminance) [see above] to the Interval
Duration [see above]. b) (Total Invalid Time (Illuminance) divided by Interval
Duration) multiplied by 100.
Total Number of Scores
The Number of Manual Scores [see below] plus the Number of Scheduled Scores
[seebelow]enteredbythesubjectwhilewearingActiwatch-Score, and not
manually excluded later by the practitioner using Actiware software, from the
Start Time to the End Time of the given interval.
Number of Manual Scores
Score, and not manually excluded later by the practitioner using Actiware
software, from the Start Time to the End Time of the given interval.