How to Guide

• Brushes
• Rags
• Sandpaper
• Paper towels
• Drop cloths or newspapers
• Stir sticks
• Safety glasses
• Rubber gloves
Adequate light: Natural light is preferable,
but avoid working in direct sunlight.
Proper ventilation: To prevent dust, avoid
working under vents or near fans. Instead,
open screened windows to keep air moving.
Dry, warm air: Cool or moist air may cause
the product to take longer to dry.
With a bit of patience and aention to detail, you’ll
soon be staining and finishing with confidence.
To get started, here’s a handy checklist of things
that are most commonly used. Always consult the
label of the Minwax® products you are using to see
if special application tools are required.
You will also want to prepare
your workspace. You’ll need:
For your safety and best results, always read and
follow all label warnings and instructions carefully.
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