User's Manual

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Workout mode
Cycling is a good aerobic fitness exercise that helps you to burn your calories,
lose weight and increase your overall fitness. Workout mode of the device
allows you to set workouts by entering your goals (Distance, Time, Calories) or
conditions (HR Zone, Power Zone).
When you start a workout, you can monitor the workout status through the
Dashboard screens. The device will notify you when you’ve reached your target.
Workout by Distance
Workout by Distance is the perfect tool if you want to set how long the
workout session should be exactly.
1. Tap from the Main menu screen and then select the Distance option.
2. Complete the following:
In the Distance field, set the desired distance to go.
In the Speed field, set the estimated average speed of
your trip to calculate the estimated time of it.
Enable or disable Surprise Me.
Note: For more information about Surprise Me, see the
"Surprise Me" section.
3. Tap GO to start your workout. To stop, tap Stop from the Workout screen.