User Manual

spirobank G User Manual cod. 980026 Rev 2.0 Page 31 of 46
2.8.2 VC Test
Ventilatory Profile
The Slow Vital Capacity test can be started by carrying out several complete breaths at rest.
After three or four such breaths a beep will sound to confirm that the ventilatory profile has
been measured and now you can proceed to carry out the VC or IVC test.
At end of the test press
as shown in the screen.
Expiratory Slow Vital Capacity: VC
After the beep inspire slowly as much air as possible and then expire slowly as much air as
Inspiratory Slow Vital Capacity: IVC
After the beep expire slowly as much air as possible and then inspire slowly as much air as
To end the test press
To carry out this test correctly, follow the indications shown on the display.
2.8.3 MVV Test
Start the test by carrying out a series of forced inspirations
and expirations with the
maximum possible amplitude
. The suggested frequency is 30 breaths/min.
The test will terminate automatically after 12 seconds. At end of the test press
It is important that the disposable mouthpiece and turbine are changed at the end
of each test.
2.8.4 Reading messages
A series of measured parameters, based on the international reference standards are
shown at the end of each test. A series of test messages are displayed, followed by the
measured parameters.
A description of these messages and the parameters now follow in the order in which they
If no key is pressed for circa 6 seconds then the unit moves automatically to the next
message or parameter.
2.8.5 Spirometry test interpretation
Spirometry test interpretation is based on the Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) test and is
based on the ATS standard. For a faster comprehension this interpretation is illustrated by
a traffic light code (green, yellow, red). For each test made, an arrow on the right of the
screen indicates the worst level of interpretation of the test session.
The connection between the traffic light colour and the test interpretation is shown below: