User Manual

spirobank G User Manual cod. 980026 Rev 2.0 Page 34 of 46
values (or to the PRE values in the case of a POST phase), the Flow/Volume curve plus a
traffic light summary of the test interpretation (in the upper right ), as illustrated below.
*= best values
In case of “repeatability” a symbol ® is shown in the graphic area
The following screens show other values compared to the predicted values (or to the PRE
values if is a POST phase).
Parameters shown:
*= best values
2.8.7 POST test, after administration of drug
To carry out a POST test it is necessary to have carried out at least one PRE FVC
test on the patient on the same day; it is not possible to do a POST test on the PRE
VC or MVV tests; it is however possible to do a POST VC or MVV test if the archive
already contains at least one PRE FVC test carried out on the same day.
To carry out a POST test please refer to paragraph 2.5.
Before carrying out the test it is necessary to indicate the drug dosage administered in order
to have a reference when controlling the results of the measured parameters.
The results allow the confrontation of the spirometry parameters calculated in the POST test
against the best results obtained in the PRE test already present in the patient archive for that
session* (*session refers to tests carried out on that day). It is not possible to carry out a
POST test on a patient if the patient archive only contains PRE tests carried out on previous
days. When the results are displayed it is possible to see the variation between the PRE and
POST values (shown in column headed CHG)
To exit the POST session insert a new patient or recall a patient from the archive, (see
paragraph 2.6).
If a new dose is set after a POST test then the device creates a new test session,
still POST. A new test code ID is allocated. The interpretation is not based on the
previous sessions with different drug doses; only the new test is utilized for the