User Manual

Spirodoc cod. 980156 Rev 1.3 EN 43/67
If the last point of the F/V curve is greater than 200 mL/s, this indicates that the
expiration was not complete and thus this message is shown:
Blow out all air in lungs
Between tests, the SPIRODOC checks the repeatability of the following parameters:
PEF repeatable when the difference between the two largest PEF is 0.67 L/s;
VC repeatable when the difference between the two largest VC 150 mL;
If FVC is > 1.0 L then:
FEV1 repeatable when the difference between the two largest FEV1 is 150
FVC repeatable when the difference between the two largest FVC is 150 mL;
if FVC is 1.0 L then:
FEV1 repeatable when the difference between the two largest FEV1 is 100
FVC repeatable when the difference between the two largest FVC is 100 mL;
3.13 Oximetry Testing
SPIRODOC is able to perform 3 different types of oximetry tests, which will be
described in the following paragraphs.
If SPIRODOC has been purchased without the oximetry option only spirometry
testing can be performed.
If the oximetry option is purchased afterwards, please contact a service center
or the manufacturer to activate the oximetry function.
The oximetry sensor used in the manual is only one of the different types of
sensors which can be used listed in paragraph 2.2.4. MIR does not recommend
any particular sensor; the doctor will chose the sensor which she/he believes to
be more suitable.
During oximetry testing the SPIRODOC cannot be turned off. To turn off the
device the oximetry test must be stopped first. This has been implemented so as
to avoid any unwanted interruptions which could compromise the accuracy of
the data.
Il sensore descritto di seguito rappresenta solamente un esempio. Con
SPIRODOC possono essere utilizzati tutti i sensori descritti nel paragrafo 2.2.4.
MIR non raccomanda l’uso di un particolare sensore; viene lasciata al medico la
scelta in merito.
Durante i test di ossimetria SPIRODOC non può essere spento, per spegnere il
dispositivo bisogna prima interrompere il test che è in esecuzione, questo