User's Manual

19 (25)
6.0 Master Warranty and Warning
Terms & Interpretation
In this document the term MGC System refers to all fire alarm, nurse call, and building
automation products manufactured by Mircom Group of Companies, Mircom Technologies
Ltd., MGC Systems Corp or subsidiaries and affiliates and includes specific systems such as
MiCare™, OpenBAS™, and FlexNet™. Moreover, the term MGC System extends to cover all
component parts and software used within such products.
Warning Please Read Carefully
All MGC Systems are subject to terms and conditions of sale as follows:
Note to Installers
This warning contains vital information. As the only individual in contact with system users, it is
your responsibility to bring each item in this warning to the attention of the users of this MGC
System. Failure to properly inform system end-users of the circumstances in which the system
might fail may result in over-reliance upon the system. As a result, it is imperative that you
properly inform each customer for whom you install the system of the possible forms of failure.
System Failures
All MGC Systems have been carefully designed to be as effective as possible. However, there
are circumstances where they may not provide protection. Some reasons for system failure
Inadequate Installation
All MGC Systems must be installed in accordance with all the applicable codes and standards
in order to provide adequate protection. National standards require an inspection and approval
to be conducted by the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction following the initial installation of
the system and following any changes to the system. Such inspections ensure installation has
been carried out properly.
Inadequate Testing
Most problems that would prevent an alarm a MGC System from operating as intended can
be discovered by regular testing and maintenance. The complete system should be tested by
the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction immediately after a fire, storm, earthquake, accident, or
any kind of construction activity inside or outside the premises. The testing should include all
sensing devices, keypads, consoles, alarm indicating devices and any other operational
devices that are part of the system.
End-users of the system must take care to ensure that the system,
batteries, telephone lines, etc. are tested and examined on a regular basis to minimize system