
TFCT (Transverse folded cabinet technology)
For our loudspeakers we use two u-shaped sections bonded
into each other to form a box, creating a structure that is much
stronger and more rigid than alternative methods.
The U-coupled front and rear baf e greatly reduces cabinet
vibration and hence colouration.
Mission’s ‘Paramid’ driver is formed using a sandwich
structure. Aramid polymer fi bres with incredible tensile
strength are sandwiched between two stiffer pulp lay-
ers. This creates a cone which is very light and stiff, yet has
superb internal damping. The internal damping drasti-
cally reduces cone-induced distortion by absorbing the
transverse waves that travel through a cone following
an impulse.
Viotex is an extremely ne weave material which is both
incredibly light and, when woven into a matrix and
impregnated, is also very strong. Capable of moving at
incredibly high speeds with minimal inertia, Viotex not only
improves the upper frequency response band limit and
improves the detail resolution, it is incredibly natural and relaxed
in performance.
IDG (Inverted Driver Geometry)
Mission has pioneered the use of inverted driver
geometry. By placing the treble unit below the bass or mid-
range driver, the length of path is equalised so the waves
coincide at the listener’s head-height. This principle is known
as ‘time-alignment.
Granitech cabinet construction
Formulated to provide the best combination of rigidity, damping
and acoustic isolation, ‘Granitech’ is a stone-like material with a
granulated structure that breaks up sound-wave energy and pro-
vides an ultra-quiet structure.
Audiophile grade crossover
Mission use advanced computer modelling to produce an
optimum response and minimum phase shift through each crosso-
ver point. This is then refi ned through critical listening tests and
panel evaluation to produce an ideal performance.
Our audiophile crossovers include components to reduce the ef-
fects of driver impedance peaks which would otherwise cause un-
wanted phase shifts through the crossover region.
Crossover components are chosen for their specifi c audio
qualities, mounted on custom designed PCBs for minimum
interaction and mounted using soft resin to dampen any
mechanical interference.
Viscous laminated treble unit
The viscous laminated high frequency dome treble unit of-
fers exceptionally smooth high-frequency performance with a
superior off-axis response. The ferro- uid cooled voice-coil
design is optimised to provide minimal compression at high
volume levels with an ultra-fast transient response.
Magnetically shielded
All our magnetically shielded loudspeakers are ideal for use in
close proximity to all television sets or wherever magnetic inter-
ference is an issue.
Direct Coupled Crossover
The objective of any internal loudspeaker design is to transmit as
much of the music as possible to the drivers with the fewest pos-
sible components in the way, degrading the signal. By mounting
the crossover section directly to the rear loudspeaker terminals,
the signal path is shortened and number of internal connections
Kapton voice-coil former
Kapton is a polyimide fi lm with both excellent electrical insulation
and thermal dissipation properties. Both qualities are essential for
developing a loudspeaker that can play with minimal distortion at
louder volume settings.
Gold-plated connections
Gold has both exceptional electrical conductivity and is also rela-
tively malleable. When used for electrical connections, it creates
a larger contact area and a lower resistance – ideal for preserving
the optimum signal quality.
Bi-wire terminals
Bi-wire terminals are used to allow the bass and high frequency
sections of a loudspeaker to be wired independently. All bi-wirea-
ble loudspeakers are supplied with ‘bridging’ clips, so that a single
wire can be used if desired.
Although the maximum benefi t of bi-wiring is achieved through
using two sets of amplifi ers with different channels driv-
ing the bass and treble frequencies, there are still signi cant
acoustic advantages to running two sets of cable (or a spe-
cialist bi-wire cable) from a single set of ampli er outputs.
When bi-amping (using two stereo amplifi ers) with bi-wire
speakers, it is recommended for each amplifi er to be driving
a bass and treble unit of one speaker, rather than having one
amplifi er driving both treble units and the other both
bass units.