Installation guide

Additional Information
70 RN-001039-00 REV00 – 10.2014
ldap search filter
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Used to set search filters. This parameter format must follow RFC
4515, for example (sn=%). This parameter must include a '%' charac-
ter at the place where it will be replaced by a*, b*, etc...
Format String
Default Value N/A
Range N/A
Example ldap search filter: (&(sn=%)(number=*))
ldap search scope
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Used to set the search scope. A "base" search is performed only on
the baseDN, a "onelevel" search is performed on the baseDN and the
first sublevel, and a "subtree" search is performed on the whole tree
under the base DN.
Format String list
Default Value N/A
Range base/onelevel/subtree
Example ldap search scope: onelevel
ldap search timeout
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Used to set the request timeout for LDAP requests.
Format Integer, seconds
Default Value N/A
Range 1 to 120
Example ldap search timeout: 30