Installation guide

Additional Information
RN-001039-00 REV00 – 10.2014 77
ldap home phone 1 attribute
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies the LDAP home phone 1 (e.g. 1-416-468-3266) for the attri-
bute list. If this parameter contains more than one value, only the first
matching value will be selected in the record.
Format String, list of attribute names separated by a comma.
Default Value N/A
Range N/A
Example ldap home phone 1 attribute list: hphone1, pphone1
ldap home phone 2 attribute
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies the LDAP home phone 2 (e.g. 1-416-468-3267) for the attri-
bute list. If this parameter contains more than one value, only the first
matching value will be selected in the record.
Format String, list of attribute names separated by a comma.
Default Value N/A
Range N/A
Example ldap home phone 2 attribute list: hphone2, pphone2
ldap mobile phone attribute
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies the LDAP mobile phone (e.g. 1-416-468-3268) for the attri-
bute list. If this parameter contains more than one value, only the first
matching value will be selected in the record.
Format String, list of attribute names separated by a comma.
Default Value N/A
Range N/A
Example ldap mobile phone attribute list: cell, mobile