Installation guide

Additional Information
RN-001039-00 REV00 – 10.2014 87
6867i and 6869i
User Configuration Upload Functionality
Any changes made to a users profile while he/she is logged in are saved to the
“<user>_local.cfg” file periodically. The time period between the saves is configurable
using the “user config upload” and “user config upload delta” parameters.
The “user config upload” parameter specifies the time period (in seconds) between
the “<user>_local.cfg” saves (while the user is logged in). To help distribute the file
transfers to the configuration server in a more even manner (i.e. so that the server
does not get bombarded by file transfer requests all at the same time) after the initial
save, the “<user>_local.cfg” is saved at a random time period between the values
defined in the “user config upload” parameter and the “user config upload delta
parameter. This latter parameter specifies the upper limit of the extra random time (in
seconds) added to the time defined in the “user config upload” parameter.
Additionally, a “user config upload control” parameter has been implemented that
can be used to fine tune when the “<user>_local.cfg” file should be saved. Administra-
tors can define the parameter as the following:
0: Every time the “user config upload” time period expires and at every logout
regardless of if the <user>_local.cfg has changed or not.
1: When the “user config upload” time period expires but only if the
<user>_local.cfg has changed, and at every logout regardless of if the
<user>_local.cfg has changed or not.
2: Only if the <user>_local.cfg has changed. Checked when the “user config
upload” time period expires and at logout.
1. Press the softkey configured with Login functionality.
2. Using the dialpad keys (or K680i Keyboard if available) enter in your username.
3. If applicable, press the 2 key to navigate to the Password field and using the dialpad keys
(or K680i Keyboard if available) enter in your password.
4. Press the Submit softkey.
Your profile should now be loaded.
5. To log out, press the Log Out softkey, enter in your password (if applicable), and press the
Submit softkey.
The phone should revert back to the generic Visitor profile.