Installation guide

Issues Resolved in Release 4.0.0
RN-001039-00 REV00 – 10.2014 97
DEF38057/CLN38094 6867i: When entering a password in an XML application, the password field
did not allow users to see each individual character input before changing the
character into an asterisk. This issue has been fixed.
DEF38139/CLN38172 6867i: An issue was observed whereby the phone would intermittently not
show the expected XML page on screen when a StartUp Action URI was con-
figured and the phone was rebooted. This issue has been resolved.
DEF38405 Pressing the Select button (i.e. middle button of the navigation keys) when on
an XML InputScreen did not respond as expected. This issue has been fixed
and pressing the Select key on an input field now navigates to the next input
filed (if available) or executes the doneAction tag if on the only or last input
field on the screen.
DEF38516 The configuration parameter “xml get timeout” was not functioning as
expected. This issue has been corrected and the parameter is now fully func-
DEF38639/CLN38657 When an AastraIPPhoneTextScreen was displayed on the phone and the
LockIn parameter was enabled and a doneAction configured, pressing the left
navigation key incorrectly closed the page. This issue has been fixed.
Issue Number Description of Fix