user manual

External Keyboard - supported keys
External Keyboard - Supported Keys
The external keyboard is an alternative for built-in soft keyboard. When the external keyboard
is connected, the soft keyboard in most Android applications remains displayed - the user can
use either keyboard to enter text.
Not all keys or functions on the physical keyboard are supported. Some applications may
support more keys or functions than others. See the table below for a list of the supported keys.
A check mark indicates that the keys are supported.
Keys/Functionality Mitel Application Remote Desktop (RDP)
Shift + 0-9 
’ , ~ < and > 
Insert Not supported Supported for only some
Delete Not supported forward
Num Lock Not supported
Caps Lock Press shift key twice Not supported
Up Arrow 
Down Arrow
Left Arrow 
Right Arrow
Control + v Not supported
Control + x Not supported
Control + z Not supported
Control + c Not supported
F1 
F2-F12 Not supported Not supported
Page Up/Down Not supported Not supported
End Not supported Not supported
Esc Not supported
Print Screen Not supported Not supported
Scroll Lock Not supported Not supported
Pause Break Not supported Not supported